Bring Blorbo The Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides

Bring Blorbo The Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides

Blorbo the Shrewd is a mysterious figure known for his intelligence, resourcefulness, and desire for rare materials. Blorbo is a well-known goblin merchant, operating from the shadowy corners of marketplaces, dealing in exotic goods that are hard to come by. Adventurers often seek him out, not only for the rewards he offers but also because his requests tend to come with a touch of humor and intrigue.

Blorbo is especially interested in hobgoblin hides, rare items that few adventurers bother to collect due to the dangers associated with hunting hobgoblins. But for those brave enough to meet his demands, he promises untold riches and treasures that can change your destiny.

Why Collect Hobgoblin Hides?

You may be wondering, Why hobgoblin hides? These hides, while tough to acquire, are highly valued in certain magical and alchemical circles. Hobgoblins, known for their cunning and combat prowess, possess thick, durable skin that can be used to craft powerful armor, enchanted cloaks, or even potent potions.

Hobgoblin hides also possess magical properties tied to their innate ability to resist fire and cold, making them prized among blacksmiths and enchanters. By bringing Blorbo 25 of these hides, you’re not only fulfilling his request but also gaining favor with one of the most influential merchants in the realm.

How to Find Hobgoblins

Hobgoblins are typically found in forested areas, mountainous regions, and underground lairs. They operate in organized warbands, making them dangerous to approach without a solid plan. Here are the top locations to find hobgoblins:

1. Goblinclaw Mountains

  • This region is home to several hobgoblin tribes. The terrain is harsh, but it’s one of the most reliable places to farm hobgoblin hides.

2. The Darkwood Forest

  • Deep within the forest, hobgoblins have set up ambush points. While dangerous, this area allows for quick hit-and-run tactics.

3. The Bloodfang Caves

  • These underground caverns are where hobgoblins store their treasures and hides. Be prepared for tight quarters and fierce resistance.

4. The Ruins of Dragmor Keep

  • Once a human stronghold, Dragmor Keep is now overrun with hobgoblins. This is an excellent location for groups of adventurers seeking to collect hides together.

Best Strategies for Collecting Hides

Now that you know where to find hobgoblins, here are some top strategies for collecting their hides effectively:

1. Solo Play – Hit-and-Run Tactics

For solo players, speed and agility are your best allies. Equip yourself with ranged weapons like bows or crossbows, and take down hobgoblins from a distance. Once they charge, retreat into cover, forcing them to break formation and become easier to pick off one by one.

2. Group Play – Team Synergy

If you’re playing with a party, divide roles to maximize efficiency. Have one or two tanks absorb damage while ranged fighters or mages rain down damage from afar. Healers can provide support as needed. Use crowd control abilities like stuns or freezes to immobilize groups of hobgoblins, making the fight more manageable.

3. Specialized Gear and Potions

Hobgoblins are resistant to some magical attacks, particularly fire, so make sure to equip cold or lightning-based weapons. Bring potions that boost your stamina or enhance your physical defense, as hobgoblins are known for their powerful melee attacks.

4. Traps and Ambushes

Using traps like bear traps or explosive runes can give you the upper hand. Hobgoblins tend to charge in packs, making them vulnerable to pre-set traps that can thin their ranks before combat even begins.

Rewards for Completing the Quest

Bringing Blorbo 25 hobgoblin hides may sound like a daunting task, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Upon completion, adventurers can expect:

1. Blorbo’s Enchanted Cloak

This rare cloak grants its wearer invisibility for 10 seconds when under attack, making it perfect for escaping tough situations.

2. Gold and Rare Gems

Blorbo pays handsomely for the hides, offering a large sum of gold along with rare gems that can be used for crafting or sold to merchants for even more profit.

3. Reputation Boost

Completing this quest increases your standing with other goblin merchants and underground traders, opening up new quests and rare goods unavailable to most adventurers.

4. Access to Secret Markets

As a reward for your service, Blorbo grants you access to his secret market, where you can purchase rare and powerful items that are not available anywhere else in the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does Blorbo need so many hobgoblin hides?
Blorbo has a reputation for creating unique items from rare materials. He likely uses the hides for magical creations or trades them with other merchants who value them highly.

2. Can I solo this quest, or is it better in a group?
While it’s possible to solo this quest with the right gear and strategy, it’s highly recommended to team up with other players to increase efficiency and safety.

3. What level should I be before attempting this quest?
It’s best to be at least level 25 or higher before tackling hobgoblins, as they hit hard and often appear in groups. Ensure you have the right equipment before heading out.

4. Are hobgoblins weak to any specific type of magic?
Hobgoblins are resistant to fire-based magic but are vulnerable to lightning and ice spells, making those the ideal choices for mages.

5. How can I maximize the number of hides I collect?
Use trapping methods and crowd control abilities to neutralize large groups of hobgoblins, allowing you to collect hides quickly and efficiently.


The “Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides” quest is not only a test of your combat prowess but also your strategy and determination. With careful planning and the right approach, you’ll emerge victorious, collecting valuable rewards and advancing your standing with powerful figures in the world of fantasy. Now, gather your weapons, rally your allies, and embark on this adventure to make Blorbo proud!